Making, Art(s) & Design Portfolio Plan

Staff members from the Lighthouse Making, Art(s) and Design Inquiry Group met last week, led by our electives coordinator, Brianna Shahvar, to discuss integrating portfolios and documentation into each of our classes. The purpose of this process is to encourage students to document their own thinking, to look more closely at their projects and/or products,…

One more thing before I go.

One year ago I moved from D.C. to Oakland, CA to be a Maker Ed AmeriCorps VISTA at Lighthouse Creativity Lab.  Today is my last day of service.  It is hard to decide what to share, but important to me, probably more personally than professionally.  But that is beside the point.  It’s like that old…

Summer of Making Highlights

The Summer of Making at the Creativity Lab was jam packed full of wonderful ideas, great projects, building, making, and a lot of fun! Here are some of the highlights captured on video.