Online Resources

General Making

Exploratorium Snacks – Wonderful and playful science focused making projects built with inexpensive materials.

FabLearn Fellows – Resources on a huge variety of making projects, put together by the Teacher Fellows with FabLearn, an annual conference on making in education put on by the Stanford University

Make the Way – Collaboration between Sonoma State and Santa Rosa USD to integrate math and making in K-8 classrooms.

Maker Education Initiative – A supporter of the MakerEd community and provider of resources and programs.

Makeshop at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburg has great resources for all things making in schools.

Making in Schools – A 6-part series on the Teaching Channel blog, written by Creativity Lab Director Aaron Vanderwerff and Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools teacher Robbie Torney.

RAFT – Idea Sheets – A set of over 700 projects based on readily available low-cost materials.

Tinkering Studio blog – Amazing projects that are tinkerable and can be used in a variety of settings.

Thinking Routines

Agency by Design

Project Zero

Visible Thinking






Dimensions of Learning Framework This framework from the Tinkering Studio lists and describes assessable indicators of engagement and learning.  They also include a guide for how facilitators can encourage these behaviors and mindsets in their classes.


Google+ Groups

Bay Area Maker Educators This group has free MeetUps once a month on Thursdays in San Francisco. Meetings alternate between the Tinkering Studio and various maker spaces throughout the city.

K-12 Fab Labs and Makerspaces


2D Design

Inkscape (open-source vector graphics design software)

Gravit Designer (web-based vector graphics design software that can be used with Chromebooks)\

MakerCase (web site to generate box patterns for laser cutting)

3D Design

Tinkercad (web-based 3D design software that can be used with Chromebooks)


Scratch (blocks-based programming language)